Kokonail MLE School Certificate Distribution Ceremony
April 27, 2017
Gawri MLE School Certificate Distribution Ceremony was held in a cordial and relaxed atmosphere in Kokonail Village Kalam Swat, the number of people from the Local Community participated in the ceremony, District Local Govt Assembly Member Malak Hassan Zeb, Chair Main VC Ashoran Malak Shah Nazar Khan, Vice Chariman VC Kalam were the chief guests of Ceremony.
An elder Muhammad Jan started the Programme by Recitation of The Holy Quraan.
Mr. Muhammad Nabi:Programme Manager
He first welcomed the guests and participants and then explained the Objectives of the ceremony, he also highlighted the MTB MLE Education and the Goals of GCDP, he said that along with Education we work on deferent projects as we have completed many Rehabilitation projects in disasters of Flood and Earthquake.
He appealed the gathering to take their child to Schools and requested specially to GMLE SMC Committees to play their best role for the promotion of Education in Kalam. At the end he also added that as all of us know that the name of our language is Gawri, so we should write Gawri in the Columns of language during census program.
Mr. Abdul Wadood (School Supervisor)
He highlighted the importance of Education in a society. He said that GCDP offers Schools, Teachers and Books for the children but we all have to play their role for the brightening future of this assets of the Nation.
Our gathering on such ceremonies aimed to share the Ideas with each other that, how can we educate the Society. If we are able tackle the routine other issues like Firewood, Land Dispute etc. Then we can find the way to tackle the Issues which become the resistance against the promotion of Education.

Malak JihanZeb (Local Elder)
The Kokonail was the most backward village in education, as there was no school for our children. GCDP established school eight year before and now our children are getting quality Education. We personally had competed our children with 4th class students of govt schools, and we are most satisfied to see our children’s result the best than others.
We are thankful to GCDP that they didn’t ended their project in our village though they completed the 3 badges here.
Malak Hassan Zeb (District Assembly Member)
I am proud to see that our brothers have took such an initiative and running good MLE Programmes in various parts of the Kalam Vally.
That is our bad luck that we prefer personal interest than the collective community interest. And this is the era of Computer and Education. So, we have to struggle more for the Promotion of Education. I am now seeing these students of our community who are receiving their certificates and other new students are being admitted by GCDP MLE Schools.
Malak Shah Nazar Khan (Chairman VC Ashoran)

There is an MTB MLE School in our village Ashoran which is run by GCDP. We realized that they are best than the other Govt Schools Students. We stand with GCDP and will cooperate as much as possible.
Abdul Wahid (Vice Chairman VC Kalam)
We are proud to know that civil society is struggling for the promotion of Education along with Govt.
Education is the basic need and we all have to play their key role for the Promotion of Education especially in Kalam and Surrounding areas.

MolanaFidaHussain (KhateebKokonail Mosque)
This is the blessing of Almighty Allah that we are Muslims, and our Religion tell us to get more and more Education. For example if we plant the crops in Time we will get good yield in Time, so we have to educate our children in time to get the fruits of Education in Time.
We must get Knowledge both Religious and other Knowledge. To get knowledge is the basic need of a Person.
We are thankful to GCDP for providing such a platform.